Admission & Aid

Welcome! 罗杰威廉姆斯大学是一所综合性大学,专注于与当地社区合作的实践学习和实际工作经验.

It’s never too late to apply.


Facts & Figures

  • 4,000
    Full time undergraduate students
  • 100%
  • 80%

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Hear From Students

Our students are passionate about being here. Hear what they love most and why they chose RWU.

Powerful Combinations

“能够将兴趣和项目结合起来,可以让我探索兴趣,调整我的经历,使我在毕业后更有市场 ." – Brendan Serenson, Business Management, Class of 2023 

Student Access, Success, and Equity

“有很多方法可以让你融入校园,找到适合自己的朋友和位置.” – Dom Emmanual, Legal Studies & Cultural Studies, Class of 2023

Our Hometown Bristol, RI

“在沿海社区上大学并不是很多人都能做到的.” – Julia Harrington, Forensic Biology, Class of 2024

Students on Campus

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RWU admission team

Meet Your Admission Counselor!

我们的招生团队将在大学录取过程的每个阶段为您提供帮助. 你的专业招生顾问可以回答你的任何问题——从小事到大问题. 你的招生顾问也可以帮助你联系大学里的其他资源, including athletics and academic support services. 我们期待着了解您和您的家人!

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